
A company that grows with customers
through quality management ACE VALVE’s
challenge for more perfect products continues

Company Introduction

Introducing Ace-Valve


Ferroalloy manufacturing

In ingot manufacturing, the degree of induction agitation is a key factor in ingot production that requires metallurgical homogeneity from start to finish of each molten metal. Our induction melting system is designed to produce optimal agitation power for each customer's needs.


Aluminum melt

Converting alumina to pure aluminum, or ultimately adding useful aluminum alloys, is an energy-intensive process. MNCASTING provides various furnace technologies to provide the most advanced technology for aluminum.


Vacuum system

Casting and production of special alloy steels and advanced reactive metals require high vacuum or atmosphere controlled melting and remelting systems. Many high quality specialty steels and materials are produced and refined using the MNCASTING melting system.


AV-L Series

Cryogenic Swing Check Valve

AV-TM Series

Triple Eccentric Metal Seated Butterfly …

AV-CK Series

Combined Check Valve

AV-O Series

Double Eccentric Cargo Butterfly Valve

AV-L Series

Cryogenic LNG/LPG Butterfly Valve


Carefully selected materials

Flexibility in material selection, cost reduction

Custom industrial valves

Diverse needs of different classes of customers meet the requirements

Excellent quality

Provide products and services that satisfy customers


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